Well sort of done, it's as far as I want to take it. From here it will all be replacing and reinforcing. It will gain weight but I'm confident it will be quite solid and useable when finished.

The Kitchen Cabinet wouldnt fit out the door and for various reasons I did not want to take it apart so I moved it up front to finish taking out the left rear paneling.

The framing there looked much like the rest, a lot of it will be saveable.

The rear wall with just the edge of the last roof panel in place

The cuts almost complete

and the last of the messy insulation is about to come down on my head

You can still see a little of the fiberglass insulation in the right corner, this was under both front and rear windows which tells me they were redone at some point in the past

There are a few really similar pics here but I cant get them to go away so treat it like a whats different puzzle :)

did you see what changed?

The framing running down on either side of the wireing is newer as near as I can tell. On the front wall (below) a lot of the wood is newer but didnt hold up well

have been trying to figure out if the steel plates at the bottom of the picture were original or reinforcements added when the first rebuild was done

this pic is sideways, but is the left front corner facing towards the hitch, the light gray in the corner is the duct tape holding the walls together, the bottom 3 or so feet of outside trim is missing. I thought I had a pic of the other corner where you can clearly see that the framing had been replaced but I guess I'll show that next update

Here are a few shots of a pretty nasty hole

I've been refering to it as "the sins of our fathers" dent but cant tell you why,,,I just a little weird I guess

the screws hold on a patch but that side of the trailer is against the fence so those pic's will come later, wonder what happened and when

Above is the back of the old shorepower conector, gonna seal it up and leave it in place. The brown stuff is old insulation

This is where the water tank sat,,, and leaked,,, for a long long time, there was a sacrificial piece of plywood over this spot that did it's job well but the floor is still a little soft here. However it holds my 325lbs up, and its not where anyone will ever stand anyway so it gets to stay

the old fill neck will be left in place and possibly even reused ,,, after a thourough cleaning

the black stuff is some kind of old tar sealant, not sure it's original

But it is way up here in the corner as well so I'm thinking it must have been

ignore the picture above, it's really not there

This one is though, you can see where the drive screws have gotten moisture around them and rotted the wood, this is a problem throughought the framing. Some of this will be saveable (we've got a plan) but some will have to be replaced

And now a word on polishing. The shiny spot was approximatly 5 min work with a paper towell and a polish called BILLET by Mothers, (with whom I am not affiliated)

these are the dents from inside(gratuitious pic)

encouraged by the amount of shine I contacted Mothers to make sure the product was not harmfull to aluminum in any way and once satisfied with the reply bought the Powerball pollishing kit (big red thing on the drill)

So on the left is the hand polished spot and on the right is the powerball polished spot, aboout 3 min worth of work with the Billet polish

The third spot is 3 more min. with the powerball and the powermetal polish that comes with the powerball kit, this pic is a little deceptive as I think the two spots done with the Billet polish have slightly more reflective clarity, but saying that is kind of splitting hairs as all three spots look pretty doggone nice.

To give a better idea of the change, above is an unpolished spot just to the right of the hand polished spot, you can kind of see a reflection but the flash on the camera is responsible for say 80% of that

heres the change 5 min with a paper towell made, I could literally read the small print in the reflection from 2-3 inches. I guess what I'm getting at is I thought it would take hours and hours to get anywhere near this kind of shine, granted it's not perfect but it's a lot more impresive than the 60 years of oxidation

it was hard to get a good pic of this but the bottom of the door represents the difference 8 min with the powerball made,, I'de have done more but the battery on the cordless drill gave out

I did a small spot by hand on the upper section but still couldnt get a good pic
So I got this shot and think it best demonstrates how much difference there is. Ultra glossy mirror finish ,,,, not exactly, but for the amount of time I was truly impressed. I figure once I get the whole trailer looking at least that good that it will only get better everytime I go back over it

Two bad shots of original spot, but still gives a good idea of how much change there was
Well thats all for now, hopefully the next update will have new framing, insulation and roof paneling,,,, oh and flooring, which will be the biggest addition of weight (along with the A/C) but the Bamboo floors will be strong and durable, not to mention really nice looking. Not sure I mentioned it before but I've decided not to replace/enlarge the roof vent , wanted a fantastic vent but the old 9 inch vent still works great and never leaked so it stays, only mod will be insulation and some kind of seal even though I dont think it leaks much air either.Have also decided that the elec outlets will be moved as a safety precaution, the lack of a junction box kind of spooked me, may be the cause of the hole burned in the panel behind the old fuse box.
Take care and have fun this weekend, I'll be spending time in the trailer, after all I still want to use it at the end of May,,,, lofty goal it may be but if all I have is an air conditioned paneled and floored shell I'm throwing a mattress in it and going camping :)
Nice Trailer Liz Hope you are enjoying rebuilding it as much as I did building my Teardrop camper.. Have ann good day an enjoy the fruits of you labor... You could call the trailer the (if you pardon the expression) the "Tin Lizzie"... later, Rusty
you need to post another update!
I'll bet that you are storing materials at a friend's house. I'll bet he would be happy to help you work on it.....by the way, thanks for feeding the cat while I was away!
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